There is a horrible contradiction in the bible

The Gospel of Mark states:
καὶ ἐξελθοῦσαι ταχὺ ἔφυγον ἀπὸ τοῦ μνημείου εἶχεν δὲ αὐτὰς τρόμος καὶ ἔκστασις· καὶ οὐδενὶ οὐδὲν εἶπον, ἐφοβοῦντο γὰρ 
And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid. (Mark 16:8)

Now if some Christian choose to want to believe in fabricated verses they can do so however it leads 

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Jesus (peace be upon him) is not the begotten son of God, but rather he is a prophet and messenger. This view is supported by the Bible in many ways: References to Jesus (peace be upon him) as the “son of God", such as in Mark 1:1, were added in later manuscripts, and do not appear in the earliest copies. If Jesus (peace be upon him) was the son of God, why would these edits have been necessary? Codex Sinaiticus - See The Manuscript The Bible calls many people “sons of God”, always in a purely metaphorical sense. Examples of this can be found in: Luke 3:38 Exodus 4:22 2 Samuel 7:13-14 Jeremiah 31:9 Deuteronomy 14:1 Since all of these verses are metaphorical, there is no basis for the claim that Jesus (peace be upon him) is the son of God. Jesus (peace be upon him) is called a prophet many times, and even refers to himself as such: John 4:19 Matthew 21:11 Luke 13:33 The Bible refers to the messiah as a “servant” many times, a description shared by Jesus (peace be upon him); the word “son" is never used for the messiah. Just two examples of the messiah being called “servant” are: Isaiah 41:2 Isaiah 52:13 Jesus (peace be upon him) is quoted as saying that God is “my Father and your Father", indicating that this is metaphorical, not literal. In addition, the prayer that Jesus (peace be upon him) is said to have taught his followers is “Our Father", again implying that the idea of “Fatherhood" is metaphorical. John 20:17 Matthew 6:9 Luke 11:2 If Jesus (peace be upon him) was coeternal was God (as the Gospel according to John claims), then the terms “father" and “son" would lose their meaning; a father has to come before his son. All praise and worship be only to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).

Codex Sinaiticus​​​
32 scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperation of the denominations of the Christians, they say "the King James version of the Bible is defective, they revised it into Revised Standard Version of the Bible. They removed the defects without any ceremony.

From The King James Verision of the Bible of John 3:16 it states:
"For God so love the world that he gives His only begotten son who ever believe in him shall never parish shall have ever lasting life"(John 3:16 King James Verision)

From the The Revised Standard Verision of the Bible of John 3:16 it states:
"For God so loves the world that He gives His only son who ever Believe in Him shall never parish shall have everlasting life"(John 3:16 King James Verision)

Begotten is missing in revise standard version of the Bible. 32 scholars of the highest eminent backed by fifty cooperation of denominations of the christians, says the word begotten is a fabrication, interpolation, that is not the word of God they took it throw it out that it is not the word of God.

We read in the preface of RSV:
"The King James Version has grave defects. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the development of Biblical studies and the discovery of many manuscripts more ancient than those upon which the King James Version was based, made it manifest, that these defects are so many and so serious as to call for the revision of the English translation." The preface continued to refer to the unhappy experience with unauthorized publications, "which tampered with the text of the English Revised Version, in the supposed interest of the American public."
Parallel Study
One way to note how the Gospels are similar or dissimilar to each other is to read the incidents they cite or quotations of Jesusas they narrate side-by-side. An excellent test case for this exercise is the Baptism of Jesusas. It is mentioned in each of the Gospels as follows: Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:29-34. 
While the Gospel of Mark has the earliest, raw story of Jesusas being baptized by John, the Gospel of Matthew revises the story by adding that John the Baptist was hesitant to baptize Jesusas. 
The Gospel of Luke on the other hand does not indicate whether it was John the Baptist indeed who baptized Jesusas or someone else. In fact, if the passage is seen in context, Luke seems to suggest that John was arrested before the baptism of Jesusas. The Gospel of John even goes a step further by not mentioning the baptism at all. Instead it attributes a long speech to John where he speaks of the greatness of Jesusas.
In this test case regarding the baptism of Jesusas, and in the overall portrayal of Jesusas by each Gospel, we can notice differences some of which are quite significant. The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, has noted that the authors of the Gospels were not Prophets (Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 13, p. 85). This explains the differences, as they were made by humans who were trying to write down events that took place many decades prior to their writing. 
Biblical scholars who study the texts in depth know the differences that are mentioned in this article and many others. Those among them who are Christian argue that the Bible has truth and that is what is important, not the “minor” differences.
We do not completely disagree with those scholars, as we also say that the Bible has truth. However, that truth should be obtained from the Word of God or the statements of the Prophets of God historically recorded in the Bible. Such truths which are also affirmed in the Quran become absolute truths for Muslims. 
When it comes to God, that truth is the same: God is One and One Alone. In the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, see Deuteronomy 6:4; in the Gospels, see Jesus’as statement in Mark 12:29, and in the Quran, see Surah Al-Ikhlas, Ch.112: V.1-5.

The Gospel of Mark relates:
"And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, “He shall be called a Nazarene.'(Mark 2:23)

This Prophecy is not in the Old Testament. We are told that this was spoken by the prophets but it is not mentioned in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Surely this prophecy should be mentioned in the Books of Moses or the Book of Jonah or Isaiah. The Fact is this prophecy is not in the entire Bible which shows that the Old Testament has been changed. Now some may say why isn't this applying to the New Testament? Well at the time of Jesus(pbuh) there was only one other prophet, Yahya(a.s) who did not bring any new book. Secondly the prophecy is fulfilled by Isa(a.s) however the original prophecy is not in the books of the prophets.